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Live & Constructive

Land Forces Training Systems

Tactical and HQ training for the modern fighting force.

Land Forces Training Systems

Live Combat Training for Armoured Platforms

LCTS (Live Combat Training Systems) is a combat training system fully compatible with all SIMFIRE requirements, optimally suited for TIFCS (Thermal Imaging Fire Control System) modified tanks, yet applicable to any armoured platform. The system combines high-end, accurate eye safe laser, with advanced Augmented Reality that simulates true-to-life combat scenarios, in real-time, on real sensor displays, as well as a Training Control Centre that can manage any exercise, up to brigade level.

Live Combat Training for Armoured Platforms

Training Services

Elbit Systems’ T&S services focus on comprehensive education and training development, simulator support services, integrated logistics support, contractor logistics support, and other innovative service solutions that can be tailored to every customer’s specifications.

Training Services